Wednesday, July 16, 2014

CONFESSIONS OF A FANGIRL - Marvel Comics Edition

I proudly consider myself both a geek girl for my knowledge of technology AND a fangirl. As a fangirl, I’m partial to anything Jim Henson, but have a deep love for Sci-Fi/Fantasy, graphic novels and comic book heroes. When it comes to DC and Marvel I fancy myself more of a Marvel fan. My love for Marvel started in the early 90's, when my then 4-year-old son and I 
would watch Spider-Man The Animated Series everyday after school. I thought if we watched Spiderman together maybe it would help me relate to my little boy or at the very least create a bond. What I wasn’t expecting was to actually like the show. I found myself becoming deeply attached to the characters and the storyline. As a single mom, the soap opera love affair between Peter and Mary Jane was a perfect way for me to live vicariously through them, providing me the social life I was lacking. Any fanboy or girl understands how I could become emotionally attached to cartoon characters. Shows like Spider-Man are really well written and intended to have the kind of depth not found in your typical after-school cartoons.